
Eco-Schools Finland invites you to join an international Eco-Schools Global Scrapbook campaign! In the campaign, self-made scrapbooks will travel around the world from one Eco-School to another. The campaign will take place from February to May 2016. If you’re interested in participating, please leave your contact details via the form linked to the end of this message by December 23rd!


What is the Global Scrapbook campaign about?

In the campaign Eco-Schools children will send their greetings to other countries by traditional mail. The purpose is to connect Eco-Schools in different countries with each other and make it possible for them to share to each other about their life, local community and Eco-School projects. The scrapbooks travel around the world from school to school, following a route defined in advance.

The original idea for the campaign comes from The Global Classroom Project. You can see examples of scrapbooks created in the original project here: and


How it works:

  • A Finnish Eco-School makes a scrapbook and writes and draws their greetings on its first pages.

  • hey send the scrapbook to another Eco-School in another country. Eco-Schools Finland will give a pre-defined route for each of the scrapbooks, including the adresses and contact details of all schools on its route.

  • The second/third/fourth/etc. school receives the scrapbook, writes and draws their greetings to its next pages and sends the scrapbook to the next school on the route. Each participant will be given a one week timeframe to write their greetings into the book and send it forward.

  • The second last stop for the scrapbook is the office of Eco-Schools Finland. There the finished scrapbooks will be scanned and uploaded into an Internet gallery.

  • Finally the scrapbook returns to the school it originally left from.

Any Eco-School around the world may participate. However, in case of a lot of applicants, we may need to restrict the amount of participants. The campaign is open to all age groups.

Within an Eco-School, you need a limited number of pupils/kids participating in the campaign – for example the Eco-Committee. We suggest the maximum number of the participant group to be around 30. Only one group per school can participate.


Requirements for the participants:

  • As a participant, you have to be able to cover the postal fees for sending the scrapbook forward to its next destination. This destination may be anywhere in the world.

  • At the end of the campaign, the scrapbooks will be scanned and downloaded to the Internet for public access. Therefore, we require you to allow Eco-Schools Finland to publish the material created.

  • Access to Internet and Facebook is highly recommended so that you can report about having received and sent the scrapbook. We will create a Facebook group for communication between the teachers of the participant schools. However, it is possible to participate even with limited Internet access.


How to join:

You can apply to participate in the campaign by filling out this electronic form:

Please fill the form by December 23rd. We will get back to you with more information during January.


Further questions?

Contact person for the campaign:

Ms. Aino Alasentie

Eco-Schools Manager

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